Fragua - Hermogenes and Charlotte.JPG


Students for Christ, Christians for the World.
Fragua - Hannah and VMs.JPG

Becoming a disciple of Jesus

Fragua is a program of discipleship that will challenge you to grow spiritually, deepening your connection with God.

It will provide you with the intellectual formation, so that you can become cognizant of your faith, as you journey through a demanding academic environment.

It will create lasting bonds of friendship with other students, strengthening your sense of community.

It will launch you on a mission to serve others with the talents God has given you.


We meet weekly for exciting presentations on faith and life topics, small-group discussion, and prayer.

Other components of the Fragua program include works of mercy, mentoring, and leadership opportunities.

The usual path to join Fragua is to attend one of the entry-level courses, like Alpha or Venture.